Page 20 - Office VIBES® Winter Issue
P. 20

Facts can’t be argued with. From the latest sales figures to the number of telephone calls taken during a day, they are a workplace truth. Whether you agree with them is a whole different matter.
The sales figures could be affected by products being out of stock and the number of telephone calls by colleagues being off sick. Our reaction to facts can often be emotional so are you making professional decisions based on facts or feelings?
Feelings aren’t facts. They are our unique response influenced by attitudes, beliefs, values, personality, experience and those around us. If you
find yourself getting worked up during the afternoon or rehashing a situation in the middle of the night, it is very likely you won’t be performing at your best because your emotions are affecting your responses and productivity.
Feelings are often justified. If you don’t hit a commission target or miss an important deadline due to factors beyond your control, it’s a natural reaction to be disappointed or even angry. If you confront your manager enraged with fury about the situation, ask yourself if you are presenting a rational version of the facts or you as an employee. Feelings can often cloud your judgement so take your time, look at the facts and remember that your ire
will soon dissipate; as the famous Oasis lyric goes “don’t look back in anger”.
Feelings matter but if they are ruling your work life, they could well be damaging your reputation. It’s important to feel your feelings but you also need to be able to control them. Facts are married to feelings, being able to balance them and not get too emotional will allow you to focus on the real situation with clarity.

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